вторник, 26 ноября 2013 г.

Dangerous Minds

     Dangerous Minds is a 1995 American drama film directed by John N. Smith, and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer. It is based on the autobiography My Posse Don't Do Homework by former U.S. Marine LouAnne Johnson, who took up a teaching position at Carlmont High School in Belmont, California, in 1989, where most of her students were African-American and Hispanic teenagers from East Palo Alto, a then-unincorporated town at the opposite end of the school district. The movie stars Michelle Pfeiffer as Louanne Johnson, Courtney B. Vance as George Grandey and others.
     Dangerous Minds is based on the true life experience of an inner city school teacher in Northern California. Michelle Pfeiffer stars as Louanne Johnson, the attractive ex-Marine going through a divorce, who is thrust into a classroom of "special students" who have driven a previous teacher to a mental breakdown. 
Ms. Johnson learns on the first day of class that power suits and briefcases will not gain the respect of this remote class of street wise adolescents. After consulting various books on asserting discipline, Ms. Johnson realizes that she will have to use all of her grit and determination to gain the trust of these rebellious youths. Ms. Johnson decides to toughen her image and tries to instill confidence in the class by telling them that they are all starting out with an A, and it is up to them to keep it. Befriended by fellow teacher Hal Griffiths (George Dzundza), Ms. Johnson refuses to give up. She uses her experience as a Marine to grab the attention of her class by demonstrating karate techniques. She teaches them about nouns and verbs by diagramming sentences about death on the streets. Much to the chagrin of school officials, she is allowed to continue these techniques. In order to teach her class about poetry, she resorts to the lyrics of the Bob Dylan song "Mr. Tambourine Man", that deals with theme of drug dealing. Ms. Johnson becomes involved in the lives of her students by visiting them at home, and taking an interest in their lives in a way they are unused to experiencing. She rewards them, when they show initiative to apply themselves in the classroom. She is eventually able to gain the respect and admiration of her students despite coming from very a different background and lifestyle. 
     This movie is a celebration of the triumph over ignorance and acceptance of a life of desperation and failure. Michelle Pfeiffer delivers her usual fine performance as Louanne Johnson. A notable performance is also given by Wade Ramirez as Emilio Ramirez, a Latino youth who walks a thin line between hope and self-destruction. 
     Speaking about the actors, I should say that cast of the film is perfect. To my mind,Michele Pfeiffer is excellent in her role. She was absorbed by her work. She gave her heart and her soul to these students. Day by day she became closer and closer to them. She was so resourceful and  found different ways in order to attract students. And later she succeeded. 
     In my topic I can’t but mention that success of the film depends on the director. I think, John N. Smith made a good job. He touched upon several educational problems in his film, created the realistic atmosphere of school.
     This film impressed me greatly. And now I believe that there are no problem children, there are problem teachers and parents who can’t give all necessities for their children. Everyone needs their own approach and it’s very important to find it. After watching this film my desire to become a teacher is even more. 

суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.


The Ron Clark Story
     The film called The Ron Clark Story has been released on the 13 of August in 2006. The genre of this film is drama and biography. The main character Ron Clark was played by the star Matthew Perry, who coped with his role perfectly. Ron Clark had a desire to move to New York and taught children from Harmlem, that is the setting of the story. 
     Let’s pass on to the plot of the film. Ron was the real life inspirational teacher who changed the lives of kids in Harlem. After a few years at a teaching gig, Clark made a drastic move and moved to New York. He had a strong desire to teach kids from Harmlem.  He was not received warmly. After some pretty nasty setbacks, the kids warmed up to him. The kids were finally able to see that Mr. Clark actually did care for them. He actually cared about them as people, and cared about their learning. The kids must now be prepared for the aptitude exams, which they had scored the lowest on for many years. Mr. Clark prepared them, believing they could truly do well. In addition to working as a teacher, Clark worked as a waiter downtown where he met a waitress. He fell in love with her. Finally, the children received excellent marks in the examination. 
     I want to pay special attention to the main character of the story. Ron Clark is a teacher from God. Ron Clark is an outstanding example of the underappreciated and underpaid teachers who quietly, selflessly ply their trade the world throughout. He is a model to follow for all teachers all over the world. He is an example of an ideal teacher. Matthew Perry is phenomenal in this role as Mr. Clark. The real Mr. Clark is an incredible person, and Matt really portrayed that well. 
     Also  I’d like to tell about the idea of this story. I quote: The problem isn't the kids. It's not even what they can achieve. The problem is what you expect them to achieve - Ron Clark. Everyone has its own features. The main aim of every teacher is to find these features and try to develop them.
     This film impressed me greatly. Ron Clark is an ideal teacher for me, he became my model to follow. And now I believe that there are no problem children, there are problem teachers and parents who can’t give all necessities for their children. Everyone needs their own approach and it’s very important to find it. After watching this film my desire to become a teacher is even more. 


воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

School Education in Britain and the USA

1. What types of schools do they have in the UK?
- primary school
-secondary school
- independent school
- private school
-  public school
- comprehensive school
- grammar school
-. mixed sex school
- selective school
- fee-paying school
- free school
2. When do children start/leave school?
Start: 5-7, leave: 16-18.
3. What are the stages of schooling according to age?
- Primary school (5-11)
- Secondary school (11-16)
- Sixth form (16-18)
4. What exams do pupils have to take?
SAT, GCSA, A-level. 
5. Do school leavers have to take entrance exams to go to university?
Yes, they do. They have to take A-level exam.
6. It is well known that there is no written constitution in the UK. Is there such a thing as a national curriculum?
Yes, there is a national curriculum in Britain. It was introduced in 1988, which set programmes of study in a range of subjects for all state schools in England and Wales.
7. How long should it take to complete full-time compulsory education?
11 years, from 5 to 16.
8. What should primary school and secondary school concentrate on?
Primary school: reading, writing, arithmetic. Secondary school: subjects which are introduced in the national curriculum. 
9. In what case can entrance exams be abandoned?
In case, when student doesn’t want to continue education or doesn’t have enough money to pay for education.
10. What should be admission requirements to primary and secondary school?
The age of students
11. What is the purpose of elite school education?
They provide children with good opportunities at work, better results during exams, etc.
12. What subjects should be an integral part of school curriculum? What subjects can be optional for university students?
An integral part: English, Mathematics, Science, a modern foreign language, Technology and Design, History, Geography, Music, Art, Physical Education.  Students can choose additional subjects for their studies, which are regarded to be optional.
13. What is the essence of private schooling in Russia?
In Russia private schooling is for children of rich parents. Such schools emphasize learning English and other skills.
14. What is a problem pupil?
A problem pupil is a pupil who has difficulties in studying, who plays truants, etc. 
15. What is your idea of a good teacher?
A good teacher is someone who is able to make you interested in a subject you had always been reluctant to study before. 
16. Looking back on your school days, what experiences can you describe as the most 1) memorable, 2) exciting, 3) painful?
My leaving from school is the most memorable, exciting and painful. I have never forgotten this day as it was my last day at school. It was exciting as there were a lot of fun, laugh and positive emotions. It was painful because I have never returned to school again.
17. How do you feel on the morning of an exam?
I feel nervous and panic.
18. In your opinion, which exam is easier to pass: oral or written?
Oral exam is easier because you can communicate with the examiner. 
19. Do you prefer to be the first to answer in an oral exam?
No, I don’t.
20. Do you use rough-work sheets in a written exam? Why?
Yes, I do. It helps me to remember materials better.
21. Do you feel uncomfortable if a teacher stands next to you during a written exam?
Yes, I do. I don’t like when somebody stands next to me and looks all my actions.
22. Do you think a crib can be of any use?
They are use during written exams.
23. Have you ever panicked during an exam?
Yes, I always feel panic during exams.
24. Do you think it is a way out to copy from other students?
Sometimes when you don’t have enough time to prepare it’s the only way. 
25. What is the most difficult thing about exams?
To learn a lot of information and to cope with panic.
26. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private schools (boarding schools, co-educational vs single-sex schools, school uniforms)?
Advantages of private schools: better job, better knowledge. Disadvantages: too expensive to pay
27. Is it a good idea for pupils to specialize in their “best” subjects at school?
Yes, it is. In their best subjects they can use all their skills. 
28. What’s the best age for children to start primary school? Why?
7 age is the best age< in me opinion. They are not too little and too old to start education. 
29. Should children stay at school until they are 18 or 19? 
No, they should choose their future profession and enter the university in start to work at 18 or 19. 
30. Is it a good idea for pupils to participate in the running of schools?
It’s a good idea as they fell that they are a part of a system and they become more independent. 
31. Are national and international exams necessary? What are the pros and cons of regular performance tests and continuous assessment by teachers and lecturers?
All exams are necessary. They help to see pupil’s progress and knowledge. Tests usually don’t reflect pupil’s knowledge as there is a big chance of luck. 
32. Can computers assess learning?
They are useful during tests and during written exams, not during oral exams.

понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Work №4


1. Listen to two people discussing the issue of public vs. state schooling. What are they saying about: cost, quality of education, increased life chances? What do you agree with most?

Public school
State school
quite expensive
quality of education
Better instructors and facilities; only rich people can allow to go to Public school
mix of students – more interesting
increased life chances
better employers first look for people at   public school, better chances of getting a really good job
only after public school employers look for students at state school

I agree, that the education is better at public school and there are a lot of chances for a really good job, but not all students and parents can allow attending public school, because it’s too expensive for them, that’s why they have no variants as to attend state school.

2. Think about the similarities and differences between:

- the education system in your country/the education system in the UK or the USA
The public educational system in Russia includes pre-schools, general schools, specialised secondary and higher education. The American system of education differs from the systems of other countries. There are free public schools which the majority of American children attend. There are also a number or private schools where a fee is charged. In Russia compulsory education is for children from 6(7) to 17 years of age. In the USA education is compulsory for every child from the age of 6 up to the age of 16 except in some states, where children must go to school until the age of 17 or 18. In the USA Elementary or primary and secondary or high schools are organized on one of two basis: 8 years of primary school and 4 years, or 6 years of primary, 3 years of junior high school and 3 years of senior high school. The junior high school is a sort of halfway between primary school and high school. In Russia the term of study in a general secondary school is 11 years and consists of primary, middle and upper stages. At the middle stage of secondary school children learn the basic laws of nature and society at the lessons of history, algebra, literature, physics and many others. After 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school or going to professional school.

- wearing school uniform/wearing what you like
Nowadays in Russia children have to wear uniform. I can’t say with sure whether it’s good or not. On the one hand pupil should be serious and concentrated at school and they shouldn’t look aside. But on the other hand, wearing school uniform don’t allow us to see a child’s basic personality.
- state-wide exams/continual assessment
They are two essential part of education. After a definite level, pupil must pass the exam in order to see their skills. And continual assessment is necessary too because it allows parents to see their children success or failure at school.

Laboratory Work №3



1. In your opinion, what are the reasons students stay away from school? Think about boredom, influence of friends, problems at school, family problems. What problems can truancy cause a student?
There are a lot of reasons students stay away from school. First of all, it may be connected with boring lessons at school. When a child isn’t interested in studying, it’s difficult to convince him to attend all lessons. Another reason is problems at school, problems with classmates or teachers. If a child faces with difficulties during lessons and breaks, if he has a lot of quarrels with classmates, he will play truants in order to avoid these situations.

2. You are going to listen to the interview with headmaster of East Crompton Comprehensive School Dr. Charles Greenway. For questions 1-7 choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1     Dr Greenway implies that some children who play truant
A   do so in order to earn money.
B    behave badly in public.
C   are never punished.
2    Why do some parents take their children on holiday during term time?
A   Because it's peak season.
B   To spend time together as a family.
C   To save money.
3    Why is it difficult for schools to convince students to attend regularly?
A   Parents set a bad example for them. 
B   There is no good reason to attend.
C   Some teachers behave irresponsibly.
4    How has the government reacted to truancy?
A   They have been trying to stop it for years. 
B   They are only just beginning to help.
C   They think it is too late to do anything.
5    Why are the government having talks with travel agents?
A   To convince them to offer parents cheap holidays.
B    To make sure that children don't play truant.
C   To get help from them in combating truancy.
6    What are the aims of 'behaviour improvement projects'?
A   To teach parents to be nwe responsible.
B   To teach students the lessons they have missed
C   To teach students to take school more serious
7    What does Dr Greenway say about the law against truancy?
A   The law is not strict enough.
B    Parents are not often prosecuted.
C    Many parents face criminal charges.

3. Which of the following things would be most effective in combating truancy? Rank them and give a short account describing your choice.

- 1) more interesting lessons – I think, if a child is interested in lessons, he won’t play truant. So, teacher should do their lessons more interesting and more cognitive.
- 2) teaching students to respect school – teachers at school should convince children that school is an essential part of their future life, and that children should get as much as they can in order to be responsible people.
- 3) more responsible parenting – teachers can’t combat truancy themselves, parents should help them. But not all parents think so, they should be more responsible for well-being of their children.
- 4) strict punishment – this moment is also connected with more responsible parents. If a child play truant, parents should find the ways to punish a child.
- 5) police involvement – I think, it’s the less effective way in combating truancy, as children at school are too little to face with police.