Chapter 31-40
Dirk Stroeve bore himself most unbecomingly, he waylaid his wife in the street. But Blanche didn’t notice him.
The narrator didn’t see Strickland for a long time, but one evening they met in the street and played chess as usual.
Everyone thought that the connection between Strickland and Blanche would end disastrously. One day she killed herself. After that Dirk Stroeve decided to go to his father’s house.
After Blanche’s burial, Stroeve returned to their house, where he found one of Strickland’s work. It was a picture where Blanche was depicted. Next day the narrator saw Dirk off for Amsterdam.
Fair. It is too short.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe narrator HAD NOT SEEN Strickland for a long time...
ОтветитьУдалитьAfter Blanche’s burial, Stroeve returned to their house, where he found one of Strickland’s workS.
It was THE picture where Blanche was depicted.
THE Next day the narrator saw Dirk off for Amsterdam.